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In Memory


I'll lend you for a little while

My grandest foal, He said,

For you to love while she's alive

And mourn for when she's dead.

It may be one or twenty years,

Or days or months, you see.

But, will you, till I take her back,

Take care of her for me?

She'll bring her charms to gladden you,

And should her stay be brief,

You'll have treasured memories

To bring solace in your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay,

Since all from earth return.

But, there are lessons taught on earth

I want this foal to learn.

I've looked the wide world over

In my search for teachers true.

And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes

With trust I have selected you.

Now will you give her your total love,

Nor think the labor vain,

Nor hate Me when I come

To take her back again?

I know you'll give her tenderness

And love will bloom each day.

And for the happiness you've known

Forever grateful stay.

But should I come and call for her

Much sooner than you'd planned,

You'll brave the bitter grief that comes

And someday understand.


Driftin Effortlessly "Rowan"

AQHA Appendix Buckskin Roan Filly


To say I had big dreams for this girl would be an understatement. She was perfection and everything I had hoped for in a foal out of Bull and Amber. We lost her in a tragic accident while in training. 

Basically Im Lucky "Quigley"

AQHA Bay Gelding


Quigley was my go to horse for everything. His favorite thing was mounted shooting but he also spent his share of time checking cattle and ponying colts. Quig struggled with soundness most of his life and with things progressively getting worse for him he was laid to rest the fall of 2024. 

A Stormy Little Dude "Chavez"


AQHA Black Gelding


Chavez was one cool little horse. He did a little of everything from being my backup show horse, running barrels and poles when I needed him, gathering cattle, team roping and trail riding. He lost the fight with cancer the fall of 2023. His big personality will always be missed. 



AQHA Black Gelding


AQHA Sorrel Filly


So many dreams were already made for this amazing filly and we lost her way too young to a broken leg. There is no doubt that she was destined to be something special. Her conformation was near perfect, her matching socks on all 4 legs, her bold but sweet was hard to fault her in any way. 


RedRoses N Chocolate "KitKat"

Buck N Snort "Shotae"

AQHA Black Gelding


Shotae was my number one for a long time. He was an amazing all around horse showing in both English and western classes, speed events and team roping. He retired from competing at 16 years old, I used him around the ranch for several years until he eventually needed to completely retire. He then ran with my broodmares and loved them and the babies. He was with me for 24 years, there will never be another like him.


Peppys Triangle Lady "Sophie"

AQHA Bay Mare


We bought Sophie as she was the dam of dad's wonderful heading and mounted shooting horse Otis. After loosing her first two foals for me, Kermit and Cooper, I was fortunate enough to get two more babies, KC and Worm. Sophie was the kindest old girl and will be missed for a long time.

Midnight By Lucky "Tillie"

AQHA Brown Mare


I'm was very fortunate to have this great mare in my barn. Tillie was a full sister to Smokey By Lucky Boy who is a NDHSRA barrel racing champion, 2 time reserve champion, 3 time AQHA NDHSRA horse of the year, 3 time NHSFR qualifier in barrels and poles, NPRA and NDRA finals qualifier. I was lucky enough to get two foals from her who are still in my barn Quigley and Priya.


Two Eyed Brandy "Brandy"

ApHC Bay Mare


Brandy is one of the horses that gets most of the credit for where I am today with my horses. Her and I grew up together, even sharing the same birthday. We competed at local shows and playdays and then moved on to high school rodeo. She qualified me for state finals all four years of high school and took me to nationals my senior year. She then went on to teach two more young riders barrels and poles. At 28 years old she lost the fight with cancer.

Rexy Pine Cutter "Rex"

APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding


Rex was Jesse's number one ranch horse for over 10 years. There aren't many horses out there that could compare to this guy when it came to sorting cattle and working gates. Rex was retired in 2010 and due to a bad injury in the pasture was put down in 2012.


Coopers Jettin Fast "Cooper"

AQHA Bay Gelding


Aint EZ Being Green "Kermit"

AQHA Bay Stallion


How can I bear to lose you, my precious gentle one,

To know that you will not be here when my day is done.

So much of my heart, my love, have I given up to you,

how then can I stand the pain now that your life is through.

My sorrow overwhelms me, the tears so freely flow,

how can I carry on my life, with a heart that's laden so.

Then the answer comes to me from the stillness in my soul,

remembering the love we shared will help to make me whole.

I'll hold you in a special place, so deep within my heart,

and in these loving memories, we'll never be apart.

You will not be so far away, your presence I will feel.

I'll wrap myself in memory and slowly I will heal.

The years we shared, the little joys, the laughter and the tears,

my love for you will never die, but strengthen with the years.

So fare you well, my precious love, I gently let you go,

and pray for all the Gods' there be that you will always know,

I loved you so, my little one, that love will never cease,

I gave you warmth, I gave you love, and now I give you peace.


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